Matching you to your perfect role within the FM & Property sectors
Check out our job board to view all our latest construction and property vacancies.
At Multitask Personnel, our experienced recruiters have been working with companies within the FM & Property Sectors since 2010.
Our specialist recruiters build partnerships with our clients within the FM & Property market and work hard to really understand their company, culture, growth plans and the benefits for anyone joining, enabling us to fully brief any candidate thinking of joining the business and to ensure we find exactly the right fit for both the client and the candidate.
We put the time and effort in with all our candidates too, ensuring we get to know them personality wise, understand their background, main skill set and what they are now seeking in their next role and employer.
We put the time and effort into putting you in front of the right companies who offer you the best role and fit for your career aspirations.
For temporary and contract candidates, our aim is to keep you in regular work with one of the many specialist construction and property companies we supply labour to, ensuring you receive fair rates for your trades and experience, and are paid on time.
Our REC accreditation means we are a trusted supplier into the FM & Property.
As a result, we make sure all our candidates are fully prepared with details of the position and company, gaining copies of all your relevant qualifications to ensure you are fully compliant to work with our clients, improving your chances of being successful.
As a candidate of Multitask Personnel, we ensure you are ready to take the next step in your career with the employer best suited to you.
“I found the big difference between Multitask Personnel and other agencies was the fact that they actually wanted to match me with the role rather than just fill the position”